Bee Equipment for sale from our members
Full Apiary for sale - Jane Tausig I’m retiring from beekeeping at the end of this season. I have a complete apiary including all 8 frame medium boxes, corresponding drawn comb frames, new frames with wax foundation and foundationless frames. I’ve had up to 4 hives and 2 nucs with the equipment I have. The sale also includes a horizontal hive, one thriving, healthy colony, and a Dadant motorized 6 medium frame or 3 deep frame extractor and more. I have everything a beekeeper would need to begin or expand an apiary. If interested please contact Jane Tausig at or 215 901-8730. | Down sizing - Joe Heilemann Want to sell 8 frame inspected hives and equipment. Most are double deep with feeding shim and insulation board. Each hive would include queen excluder, 2 drawn medium honey supers and the cement blocks they sit on. Also other hive parts, bottom boards, top covers, inner covers, boxes and frames all priced to sell. Contact Joe Heilemann 267-371-2594 |